Monday, January 3, 2011

Couscous and a Courtesan

We had a wonderful day today....met with Jim to do the shopping for dinner on Sunday. He took us to his favorite veggie vendor, and we placed our order to be delivered on Sunday. The lady that started the supper club with him 30 years ago, an American, placed the pork order, and then we finished up at the Monoprix for all the other items. Should be a fun menu.

After shopping, Jim invited us to lunch at his favorite couscous restaurant, and asked his longtime friend Suzy to join us, as it was her birthday. On our way there, he gave us a brief rundown on Suzy. She has lived quite the life. Born in Zurich to a poor family, she eventually made her way to Paris in the 60's, and that's when it gets really interesting. She was the courtesan to some of the most influential, and wealthy men in Europe. Given this is a G rated blog, I really can't say too much more.

She wasn't feeling well the day we met her, but in spite of that, she was simply fascinating. She arrived with her little long haired chihuahua dog, Lelo, who like her, had been rescued. She is in her 70s, but has the spirit of a 20 year old. She is in very good shape, and kind hearted. At first, I don't think she liked me very much, but eventually she came around. Very direct, and very funny, I could see why people would be drawn to her. She loves to eat good food, and even now loves a good party. If this is her when she is not in top form, I can only imagine what she is like when she is!

She told us about a group of friends who had been at her apt a few weeks ago, how one of the guests imbibed too much, and proceeded to stuff 50€ bills into her shirt. When she got undressed that night, 8 bills came flying out. She decided she was going to take the man's niece and her husband out do dinner with the money. This is just a perfect example of her fascinating life. She mentioned Bertrand Picasso, the nephew of the artist , and how she had bought a dog (another long haired chihuahua) for him to give to his kids. She is amazing.

Somehow in conversation, my eyes came up. She told me I had cat eyes, and had at least 30 more years to use them to get what I want. I didn't really know what to say to that, but I can tell you sure made me feel pretty!

Once lunch was over, we said our good byes to Madame Suzy, and I told Jim how happy I was to have met her, and how I wished I could know more about her life. "I have a book she wrote about her life, and you can borrow it for your train ride to Nice.". I totally jumped on that, and left his apartment with the memoirs of Suzy Wyss in my bag. I felt pretty special to have been entrusted with this special book detailing her life. I had NO IDEA what I was in for. Let's just say, Paul Getty, a certain Prince of Monaco, and celebrities from all over the world have a chapter in her book. Unlike this blog, it is DEFINITELY not rated G!

Off to Nice tomorrow to celebrate New Year's with S and P. Cant wait!


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